The Beginning




The Horse and Lion® seal is deeply rooted in the history of the world’s largest chemical company, BASF. The origin of the seal dates back to 1873, when the Badische Anilin & Soda-Fabrik (BASF), located in Ludwigshafen (Bavaria), merged with the Stuttgart-based Knosp and Siegle. The Horse on the emblem is the symbol of Stuttgart, while the Lion is the symbol of Bavaria.

The logo depicts the Stuttgart horse and a standing Bavarian lion holding a shield with an anchor – the coat of arms of Ludwigshafen.

The logo depicts the Stuttgart horse and a standing Bavarian lion holding a shield with an anchor – the coat of arms of Ludwigshafen.

Horse and Lion® — a story of growth

The Horse and Lion seal story of Nitrophoska® is deeply rooted in one of the most important technological advances of the 20th century, the ability to produce ammonia at an industrial-scale. By making ammonia widely available, the Haber-Bosch process supported significantly higher yields from agriculture.

BASF started the first commercial plant for ammonia synthesis in 1913 in Ludwigshafen, Germany. This paved the way for the Green Revolution.

Workers tend to crop nutrition trials at the Agricultural Center Limburgerhof, circa 1925

The growing use of nitrogen fertilizer supported higher farm yields and research into novel fertilizer products. While applying nutrients separately provided good results, the real breakthrough would come by combining all three primary nutrients, Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P) and Potassium (K), in one granule. Intensive research and trials followed in the quest to develop the world’s first complex fertilizer

Over the next several years, countless tests were run according to different crops and soils. The ideal proportions were found in 1926.

Named after the three primary nutrients, Nitrophoska® was offered in different formulations for different crops and soils. It found instant global success, performing exceptionally well in Asia, where soils tend to be very acidic. With several formulations available, the sulfate of potash-based Nitrophoska® offered reliable performance for chloride-sensitive crops.

From the 1950s, the Horse and Lion® seal was introduced to showcase high-quality fertilizer products. It has since grown to stand for integrity and quality, serving as a symbol of trust across markets. In the fertilizer world, the Horse and Lion® brand has become an icon for the retail branding of high-quality nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers.

In 2012, EuroChem acquired the BASF Antwerp mineral fertilizer facilities and later assumed ownership of the Horse and Lion® seal. Since then, it has carefully and proudly preserved both the historical and technological heritage behind one of the fertilizer world’s most trusted brands.

The seal through time

Look for the official Horse and Lion® seal of quality on EuroChem fertilizer product packaging and documentation

Look for the official Horse and Lion®
seal on quality EuroChem fertilizer product packaging and documentation
